The Agency - LEPL Service Agency of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia.

Driver candidate – a person willing to take a theory exam for driving license and makes registration for the driving license theory exam.

• Candidate shall complete registration data sufficiently and accurately. A candidate shall be responsible for the correctness of the data.

• The Agency shall ensure candidate’s reservation (hereinafter “Electronic Reservation”) for driving license theory exam after full completion of the data and payment of the relevant fee.

• Candidate shall preserve and present the payment slip (including paper or electronic document, as well as SMS) when appearing at the theory exam;

• Reservation of theory test doesn’t mean candidate’s direct access to the test. Only after submission of the required documents to the relevant service center of the Agency, in the absence of the circumstances restricting the granting of driving license, driver’s candidate will be granted a unique number and registered in the electronic database, only after this procedure he/she will be admitted to the test.

• Candidate has to appear at least 10 minutes earlier before the test starts.

• In case of failure to appear at the theoretical exam, candidate will be allowed to take theory test no earlier than the 7th calendar day from the examination date.

• In order to be admitted to the test, candidate is obliged to submit to the relevant service center of the Agency the following documents:

a) ID document and if a person uses a preferential fee for a student, then electronic ID (residence document), certifying the status of a student;

b) Document of residence, if the document specified in subparagraph "a" of this paragraph does not include the aforementioned information, place of residence can be indicated:

b.a) address of candidate’s residence property on the territory of Georgia;

b.b) according to a written consent, registration place of an adult registered in Georgia.

c) A document certifying adequate training in the Driver's Preparatory Establishment (except the circumstances when a person who reached 18 years is allowed to the examination of the driving permit of a vehicle of category "B", as well as subcategories "A1" or "B1").

d) Driving license, only in case if:

d.a) candidate has already been granted a driving license with the permit to drive a vehicle of other category and/or subcategory;

d.b) according to the notice 41, Article 116 of the Georgian Code of Administrative Offence, driving license has not been lost or seized before the driver’s candidate requests an access to the exam

e) Health certificate (except the case if 180 calendar days has not passed from the last performance of the health report in the Agency and there is the confirmation of the health status for the required category and/or sub-category).

f) Other documents as determined by the law.

• Driver candidate won’t be allowed to take a test, in case of his/her failure to submit the aforementioned documents or in the event of incomplete submission thereon.

• Agency ensures, within the frames of its competence and in line with the current legislation, confidentiality and privacy of personal data of a driver candidate.

• Completing of the relevant registration data by the candidate and reservation for the theory exam shall be deemed to be acquainting with these conditions by a driver’s candidate and his/her consent, authorizing the Agency to process his/her personal data and verify in the electronic database of the Agency.

Notice: Students and individuals under 18 shall benefit from privileges for one occasion, when taking the theory exam for the first time. Consequently, candidate should not select “student” and/or “candidate’s age (under 18 years of age)” when repeatedly making reservation for the theory exam.